Honeyberry, Lonicera caerulea

honeyberryBlue-berried honeysuckle fruits can be used in processed products: pastries, jams, juice, wine, ice cream, yoghurt, sauces, and candies.

When frozen fruit is placed in the mouth it melts away.

Seeds are not noticeable when eating but if they are observed they are similar in appearance to seeds found in kiwifruit.

The skins simply disintegrate which has caused some excitement amongst ice cream and smoothie makers.

The fruit also turns dairy products into a bright purple-red.

It can make excellent wine, some say similar to grape or cherry wine. The wine will be a rich burgundy colour.

Its juice has perhaps a 10 to 15x more concentrated colour than cranberry juice.

Berries will turn blue on the outside before they are fully ripe inside. If the berries are green inside, they are not ripe; it should be a deep purple red inside if it is fully ripened.

Like blueberries they are high in antioxidants and vitamin C.