Snakeroot, Asarum canadense

snakerootsnakeroot plantThe underground stem and the flowers are used as a ginger substitute.

The root, especially when quite dry, has a pungent, aromatic smell like mild pepper and ginger mixed, but more strongly aromatic. The root is best harvested in autumn but is available all year round. It can be dried for later use.

The root is used in the treatment of chronic chest complaints, asthma, coughs, colds, dropsy, painful spasms of the bowels and stomach, scant or painful menstruation, infantile convulsions.

The fresh leaves are applied as a poultice to wounds and inflammations, whilst a decoction or salve is applied to sores.

The root contains antibiotic substances effective against broad-spectrum bacteria and fungi. It also contains aristolochic acid, which has antitumor activity.

The root and rhizome were slowly boiled in a small quantity of water for a long time and the resulting liquid drunk as a contraceptive by the women of one N. American Indian tribe.

The slightly roasted root can be ground into a powder and then sprinkled onto clothing for perfume.

A useful ground cover for a shady position so long as it is not dry, spreading by its roots.