Comfrey, Symphytum officinale

comfreyThe young leaves can be eaten cooked or raw. The leaf is hairy and the texture is mucilaginous.

It may be full of minerals but it is not pleasant eating for most tastes. It can be chopped up finely and added to salads, in this way the hairiness is not so obvious. Chopped up in a mixed pie filling is very acceptable.

Young shoots can be used as an asparagus substitute. The blanched stalks are used.

Older leaves can be dried and used as a tea.

The peeled roots are cut up and added to soups.

A tea is made from the dried leaves and root.

The roasted roots are used with dandelion and chicory roots for making coffee.

Comfrey is especially useful in the external treatment of cuts, bruises, sprains, sores, eczema, varicose veins, broken bones etc, internally it is used in the treatment of a wide range of pulmonary complaints, internal bleeding etc.

The plant contains a substance called 'allantoin', a cell proliferant that speeds up the healing process.

The leaves are harvested in early summer before the plant flowers, the roots are harvested in the autumn. Both are dried for later use.

The plant grows very quickly, producing a lot of bulk. It is tolerant of being cut several times a year and can be used to provide 'instant compost' for crops such as potatoes. Simply layer the wilted leaves at the bottom of the potato trench or apply them as a mulch in no-dig gardens.

A liquid feed can be obtained by soaking the leaves in a small amount of water for a week, excellent for potassium demanding crops such as tomatoes. The leaves are also a very valuable addition to the compost heap.

A gum obtained from the roots was at one time used in the treatment of wool before it was spun.