Edible flowers

I have found a host of edible flowers, some perennial, some annual.

Some of my favorites are:

Less tasty, but very pretty :

Waiting to find out:

Primroses and primulas


pansy flowerPansies peoniesPeonies

Campanula pyramidalis Campanula species

dianthus flowerDianthus tulips flowerTulips
Hollyhockshollyhock osteospermum flowerOsteospermum magnolia flowerMagnolia
 gladioliGladioli snapdragon flowerSnapdragons  
borageBorage (doesn't store well)    
calendula officinalisCalendula    
sweet rocketSweet rocket    
perennial phloxPerennial phlox    
stocks flowersStocks    

 viola flowersome violas, the flavour seems to vary between different varities