Wood avens, Geum urbanum

wood avensThe young leaves are edible cooked.

The root can be eaten cooked. Used as a spice in soups, stews etc, and also as a flavouring in ale. It is a substitute for cloves with a hint of cinnamon in the flavour. It is best used in spring.

The root is also boiled to make a beverage.

The root is up to 5cm long.

Wood avens is an astringent herb, used principally to treat problems affecting the mouth, throat and gastro-intestinal tract. It tightens up soft gums, heals mouth ulcers and reduces irritation of the stomach and gut.

An infusion is taken internally in the treatment of diarrhoea, intestinal disorders, stomach upsets, irritable bowel syndrome and liver disorders, it is also applied externally as a wash to haemorrhoids, vaginal discharges etc and to treat various skin afflictions - it is said to remove spots, freckles and eruptions from the face.

The root is best harvested in the spring, since at this time it is most fragrant. Much of the fragrance can be lost on drying, so the root should be dried with great care then stored in a cool dry place in an airtight container, being sliced and powdered only when required for use.

The powdered root had a great reputation as a substitute for quinine in the treatment of intermittent fevers.

The freshly dug root has a clove-like fragrance, when dried it is used in the linen cupboard to repel moths.