Solomon's seal, Polygonatum multiflorum

solomon's sealThe young shoots are edible cooked. Boiled and used as an asparagus substitute, they make an excellent vegetable and are widely used in Turkey.

The root can be eaten cooked. Rich in starch. The root should be macerated for some time in water in order to remove bitter substances.

Solomon's seal has been used for thousands of years in herbal medicine. It is used mainly in the form of a poultice and is believed to prevent excessive bruising and to stimulate tissue repair.

An infusion of the root is healing and restorative, it is good in the treatment of stomach inflammations, chronic dysentery etc. It is used with other herbs in the treatment of pulmonary problems, including tuberculosis, and women's complaints.

The powdered roots make an excellent poultice for bruises, piles, inflammation etc. The root is harvested in the autumn and dried for later use.

The plant should not be used internally except under professional supervision.

A distilled water made from the whole plant has been used as a skin tonic and is an ingredient of expensive cosmetics.

The dried powdered roots and flowers have been used as a snuff to promote sneezing and thus clear the bronchial passages.

Plants can be grown for ground cover when spaced about 30cm apart each way.