
Greek oregano, Origanum vulgare hirtum

Greek oreganoThe leaves are used raw or cooked as a potherb.

Oregano is an important flavouring herb in Mediterranean cookery, and is often used dried rather than fresh.

The leaves are used as a flavouring for salad dressings, vegetables and legumes, and are frequently included in strongly flavoured dishes with chillies, garlic, onions etc.

Oregano has been used as a culinary and medicinal herb for thousands of years.

It has a beneficial effect upon the digestive and respiratory systems and is also used to promote menstruation.

It should not be used medicinally by pregnant women though it is perfectly safe in small amounts for culinary purposes.

The plant is taken internally in the treatment of colds, influenza, mild feverish illnesses, indigestion, stomach upsets and painful menstruation.

It is strongly sedative and should not be taken in large doses, though mild teas have a soothing effect and aid restful sleep.

Externally, oregano is used to treat bronchitis, asthma, arthritis and muscular pain.

The plant can be used fresh or dried - harvest the whole plant (but not the roots) in late summer to dry and store for winter use.

Oregano is often used in the form of an essential oil that is distilled from the flowering plant.

A few drops of the essential oil, put on cotton wool and placed in the hollow of an aching tooth, frequently relieves the pain of toothache.

The growing plant repels many insect pests so it is a good plant to grow in the vegetable area.

A useful groundcover for sunny positions, forming a slowly spreading clump. Plants should be spaced about 30cm apart each way.

Wild oregano, marjoram, origanum vulgare

majoramAs above. This variety is a less aromatic than the above.