Cowberry, Vaccinium vitis-idea

cowberryThe fruit is edible raw or cooked. Quite pleasant to eat. An acid flavour, they are used like cranberries in preserves and are considered by many people to be superior to cranberries. The taste is better after a frost. The fruit is about 6mm in diameter.

A tea is made from the leaves, this should not be drunk on a regular basis because it contains the toxin 'arbutin'.

The leaves are antiseptic, astringent, diuretic, refrigerant. They are used in the treatment of gonorrhoea, arthritis, rheumatism, diabetes and diarrhoea. The leaves are gathered in early summer and dried for later use.

The mature fruits are eaten fresh or dried as a remedy for diarrhoea and as a treatment for sore throats, coughs and colds.

The juice has been gargled as a treatment for sore throats.

A yellow dye is obtained from the leaves and stems. A purple dye is obtained from the fruit.

Can be grown as a ground cover plant, spreading by underground runners. It needs weeding for the first year or so. Plants are best spaced about 30cm apart each way.