Cuckoo flower, Cardamine pratensis
This native spring flower likes moist and wet soils, although it seems to do well in our local verges, on a clay soil.
The leaves and young shoots can be eaten raw or cooked. Rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C, but with a bitter and pungent flavour.
The leaves and young shoots are harvested in the spring and taste rather like water cress. The leaves can be available early in the year and when used in small quantities make a very acceptable addition to salads.
Flowers and flower buds are used raw. A pungent cress-like flavour. The white flowers are very attractive, they make a pleasant nibble and also add a delicious flavour to salads.
Cuckoo flower is seldom used in herbalism, though an infusion of the leaves has been used to treat indigestion and promote appetite.
The leaves are used internally in the treatment of chronic skin complaints, asthma and hysteria. The plant is harvested in spring and early summer and is best used when fresh.