Purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria

Purple loosestriveThis plant likes to grow in reed swamps, at the margins of lakes and slow-flowing rivers, fens and marshes, avoiding acid soils. It grows well in marshy soil and succeeds in shallow water at the edges of ponds.

The leaves can be eaten cooked. Rich in calcium.

The root is used cooked.

An edible dye is obtained from the flowers.

Purple loosestrife is an astringent herb that is mainly employed as a treatment for diarrhoea and dysentery.

It can be safely taken by people of all ages and has been used to help arrest diarrhoea in breast-feeding babies.

It can also be used to treat heavy periods and intermenstrual bleeding.

Modern research has shown the whole plant to be antibiotic and to be particularly effective against the microorganism that causes typhus.

The flowering plant is harvested in the summer and can be used fresh or dried.

Externally, the plant is used as a cleansing and healing wash for wounds, sores, impetigo, eczema, excess vaginal discharge, vaginal itching etc.

The powdered plant is used as a haemostatic in cases of severe nosebleeds.

The stems are regarded as gum stimulators and are given to children to chew in order to strengthen weak or bleeding gums.