Yellow loosestrife, Lysimachia vulgaris

yellow loosestriveYellow losestrife like to grow in marshes, streams and in shallow water in reed swamps as well as shady places near water, avoiding acid soils.

The young leaves are edible. No more details are given.  

An astringent herb, yellow loosestrife is principally used to treat gastrointestinal conditions such as diarrhoea and dysentery, to stop internal and external bleeding and to cleanse wounds. The herb is astringent, demulcent and expectorant. It is harvested when in flower in July and dried for later use.

The plant can be used internally or externally and is useful in checking bleeding of the mouth, nose and wounds, restraining profuse haemorrhages of any kind and in the treatment of diarrhoea.

It makes a serviceable mouthwash for treating sore gums and mouth ulcers.

A yellow dye is obtained from the flowers. A brown dye is obtained from the rhizomes.

The growing plant repels gnats and flies, it has been burnt in houses in order to remove these insects.