Devil's Bit scabious, Succisa pratensis

scabiousThis plant grows in meadows, pastures, marshes, fens and damp woods on slightly acid or calcareous soils. It ucceeds in ordinary garden soil, preferring damp conditions, in sun or semi-shade and prefers a moist peaty soil.

The young shoots can be used raw. The tender young shoots are sometimes added to spring salads.

It makes a useful tea for the treatment of coughs, fevers and internal inflammations and is also a popular application externally to eczema and other cutaneous eruptions.

A tincture of the plant is a gentle but reliable treatment for bruises, aiding quick re-absorption of the blood pigment.

The whole herb is collected in early autumn and dried for later use.

Good results have been achieved by using a distilled water from the plant as an eye lotion to treat conjunctivitis.

A green dye is obtained from the leaves.scabious flower