Grapes, Vitis vinivera

grapes on a vineGrapes need a sunny position and thrive by a south facing wall, were the stones store the heat to keep temperatures higher during the night. However, they also do well growing along a fence, as long as they have sun and some shelter from the wind etc.

The fruit is eaten raw or dried for winter use. The dried fruits are the raisins, sultanas and currants of commerce, different varieties producing the different types of dried fruit. A fully ripened fresh fruit is sweet, juicy and delicious.

The fruit juice can be concentrated and used as a sweetener.

This fruit is widely used in making wine.

The leaves can also be eaten, cooked. Young leaves are wrapped around other foods and then baked, they impart a pleasant flavour.

Young tendrils are edible raw or cooked.

The flower clusters are used as a vegetable.

An edible oil similar to sunflower oil is obtained from the seed. It needs to be refined before it can be eaten. A polyunsaturated oil, it is suitable for mayonnaise and cooking, especially frying.

The sap can be used raw, as a drink, it has a sweet taste. The sap can be harvested in spring and early summer, though it should not be taken in quantity or it will weaken the plant.

The roasted seed is a coffee substitute.

Cream of tartar, also known as potassium bitartrate, a crystalline salt, is extracted from the residue of pressed grapes, and from the sediment of wine barrels. It is used in making baking powder.