Spindle,  Euonymus europaeus

spindleSpindle is a native shrub.

The whole plant yields a volatile oil that is used in soap making. Other reports say that the oil is obtained from the seed. It is possible that there are two oils, an essential oil from the plant and an oil from the seed.

A good yellow dye is obtained from the fleshy coating around the seeds. This becomes green with the addition of alum, but unfortunately both colours are rather fugitive.

The baked and powdered berries are used to remove lice from the hair, they are also used as an insecticide.

Roots yield up to 4% gutta-percha, a non elastic rubber used as an electrical insulation and for making plastics.

Wood - very hard, easily split, fine-grained, not durable. Used for spindles, skewers, knitting needles, toothpicks, carving etc. A high quality charcoal is obtained from the wood, it is used by artists.