Straw-bale and cob houses

The houses we will build in our Garden of Love can be made with cob, a mix of clay and straw.

This material insulates very well, but also breathes, so it doesn't get very damp or dry inside. It is also possible to use straw bales, covered with cob. This is a very quick way to build a home, but the walls are even thicker than with only cob, and thus the house will take up more space.

In a cob house, north walls can be made with a bit more straw, for extra insulation, south walls can have extra clay, to store more of the warmth of the sun.

In both straw-bale houses and cob houses it is quite simple to add extra rooms, or take them away as families grow or reduce in size.

The walls in a cob or straw-bale house are wider than in a brick house. Because of this, shapes don't need to be so square. Our eyes don't like very blocky shapes, they look ugly, so we can round the corners of walls and windows etc. Rooms are best kept with right angles however, to make it easier to fit in furniture.

(more content will be added in time, describing straw-bale house building techniques)