Cooperation between Gardens of Love communities

When new Gardens of Love communities are being created, we will keep working together on some matters.

We share our website, where the different locations have their own page, describing their location,  if they have Gardens available for new Gardians and the facilities they offer.

People looking to set up a new community can find each other through our Members page, listing preferred locations, skills and contact details.

We can set up an overlapping community land-fund, the Golly fund, where all communities send money to build up funds for new communities. The amount that each community contributes depends on their financial success, and is decided by each community for themselves.

Money in this fund will be given out by representatives from the existing communities, working together with a representative from the new group. Together they will evaluate the site the new group has chosen, and help with the purchase. The team from the existing Gardens of Love communities will share their insights and give advice to the new group, to help them set up a successful community.

Money from the fund will be given as a loan, but no interest needs to be paid.

It could also be possible to link our local economy systems, so that Gardians could visit other communities and pay for it through this system, with no collateral.