
Climbing plants can grow up into trees and larger shrubs, or grow over fences and walls.

As we will be starting with baby trees and shrubs, it wouldn't be wise to plant climbers with them yet, as the climber would grow much faster than the tree and choke them. Also good to think about: climbers grown for their edible roots or tubers are not good to grow with trees and shrubs that don't like root disturbance.

But were fences are used, and along the walls of sheds, animal housing and our homes we can plant climbers straight away.

I didn't find a lot of climbers with edible qualities, compared to most other groups of plants, but there are some good posibilities. 

Grapes Kiwi berry Hardy Kiwi
Schisandra species Hops Potato bean/American peanut
Chocolate Vine Kudzu vine Horse brier -no source in UK