Ground cover plants

Grass and weeds under the trees can slow down the establishment of the trees, shrubs and other plants considerably, and even mean that some trees don’t make it at all. Persistent weeds can also compete with the new plant. For this reason, it is wise to make use of both a mulch and ground covering plants.

These plants help to quickly cover the soil. By keeping soil covered we can discourage weeds from coming up, saving a lot of weeding time.

Ground cover plants

Mints Oreganos Thyme Stonecrops, sedum species
Campanulas Rubus species Bearberry Cowberry
Wild strawberry Golden saxifrage Hosta Creeping dogwood
Sweet violet Liriope graminifolia Perriwinkle Creeping Oregon grape
Ivy Self heal Bugle Solomon's seal
Galium species Wood cranesbill Wild primrose Yarrow
Wild basil Umbrella plant Marsh marigold Water avens
Creeping Jenny Clover species